Meet your Local Barista: Greg

We are on a mission to celebrate your morning hero’s aka your local barista. We recently sat down with Greg, owner of Goodness Gracious cafes and chatted all things coffee, his highlight of the year so far (a massive achievement!) and much more.

on March 21, 2022

Name: Greg Cornes

Cafe: Goodness Gracious 

Side hustle/s: Café operation – my main hustle is all consuming.

Personal coffee order: Oat flattie inhouse/Long black with a side of oat when out & about.

Years in the industry: 21 

Signature dish: Bagel Burger 

Most unhelpful piece of advice ever received: This café will never work here.

Highlight of the year so far: We recently just turned 7, cafes and hospo is pretty hard at the best of times but given the last year this anniversary is pretty special for us. 

A great song: Mac Miller - Woods 

A great book: Phil Knight – Shoe Dog

Most embarrassing coffee moment: Being put in my place when I worked in Melbourne that the customer actually did want a “Mug of cino”! 

The best thing about making coffee: Engaging with people and café/coffee culture

Kindest customer/ experience: Many have happened but simple manners and kind interaction always sets a nice vibe.

Personal or business coffee IG account: youfoundgreg & goodnessgraciousnz